Friday, September 12, 2008

Me and my New, New Love.

Things I Love
(Besides the obvious like fam & friends)
  1. Music
  2. Cookies
  3. Vans
  4. SKinny Jeans
  5. Gold
  6. Dred Heads
  7. Sk8ers
  8. ATL
  9. WeeZy
  10. KiD CUdi
  11. Lollipopz
  12. CupCakez
  13. Piercings
  14. Carribean food
  15. TaTToos
  16. The Bay
  17. Dancing
  18. Little 5
Drum roll please.....I would like to add a special fella to the list. I've been down w/ The Pack for awhile....but YOUNG L is really doin it for me right now.
Just look @ this based dude!


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